Boating with Onyx


The importance of boating is creating a time for yourself and loved ones to enjoy the beauty of being out on the water. The adventure in every voyage is the charm and attraction to boating. Leave your job and all its worries at the shore when you set sail. You make the rules out on the water. Boating is a great way to clear your head and get away for a little while.


Picture this – a gorgeous day outside, you, your wife, the children, and a few friends decide to go on a spontaneous voyage through the open ocean. You are looking to enjoy the excursion rather than maintain the upkeep of the vessel. However, there is a problem because your crew members are on vacation themselves, not able to join you. You want to relax and entertain on this journey, definitely not worry about navigating or captaining your ship.

That’s where we come and save the day. With a minimum of 2 hours’ notice, you can hire qualified and verified captains, crew, and more for your vessel. Onyx provides you with the safety and security of a licensed skipper to operate your vessel, while you enjoy the day. Our on-demand crew has been vetted to ensure the best experience before you even leave the port.



On Demand

Hiring an on-demand crew means you can hire, a la carte for any position of the crew members; captains, skippers, chefs, technicians, cleaners, maids, and other on-the-water service professionals for our discerning clientele. All positions, including captains, are handpicked and vetted by Onyx, so they meet the excellent standards you are accustomed to on the water.


Our captains have extensive experience of ship operations in all departments, on top of the necessary nautical knowledge to manage the vessel. Skills extend to maintenance, engineering, IT, and administrative tasks, including accounting and complying with all required licenses and more. Our captains exude superior leadership and communication skills while maintaining the ability to make quick and effective decisions for the utmost enjoyment and safety of you and your guests.

Why Hire a Captain

There are many reasons why boating with a captain or crew is a clever idea. When you invite your family and friends on a voyage, you know they are going to have the most enjoyable time! They are basking in the sun while enjoying the sight of the blue water surrounding the boat and feeling the energizing wind touching their face. In the background, you hear sounds of laughter mixed with delicate and appetizing sounds of crystal glass bombing one other. What could be better?


Maybe some cocktails? Or spending time with your loved ones?


The fact is, you have the responsibility for their safety, you can’t drink too much, and your time with them is limited since you are navigating. From a fun get together, that you organized, to becoming their chauffeur. 

Besides the fun part, having a captain and crew has its safety-related benefits. It is always safer to go out on the water with seafaring professionals. In cases of emergencies, when something unexpected happens, or even if you just need a hand with something, it is safer to have other passengers and crew members there for you to count on.


Along with safety reasons, the boat crew and a captain have the responsibility to maintain the boat and keep it running smoothly.

Some of these duties include:


  • Navigating and piloting the boat
  • Cooking, bartending, or other types of services for guests
  • Engineering and/or regular maintenance for onboard appliances and ship mechanics
  • Cleaning the interior and general housekeeping duties
  • Supervising the additional crew

Licenses & Privacy

As you know, hiring a crew is usually accompanied by a litany of paperwork and licenses, including by the USGC. With Onyx, we take care of that for you. The Onyx website makes it simple to hire a crew without the hassle of paperwork and authorizations. A day or two is usually preferred for notice but, in a couple of clicks, you can have an on-demand crew with you while you set sail in just 2 hours.


You can book a captain and crew, on-demand, for whatever voyage you desire. Our most popular timeframes of renting a captain and crew are 4 or 8 hours voyage. Our crew members are available also, for an overnight voyage. Additionally, we provide boat delivery services and relocation. 


We understand that you may have some privacy concerns about hiring on-demand staff for your boat. That is why we take the precautionary steps of having all Onyx professionals sign an NDA before working with you and your family. Cell phones, pictures, and videos of any kind are strictly prohibited by Onyx professionals. 


Our retention rate for captains is very high. Our clients are so happy with their captain that they continually ask for the same captain upon separate voyages. We do our best to accommodate these requests.

Create Good Memories

Having a crew aboard your ship will help you ensure that you have a fun, leisurely cruise or voyage. An experienced crew can help ease your tensions and worries. A crew can help alleviate the chaos and energy that might come with frantically doing things on your own.


Operating a vessel “short-handed” can be dangerous if you set sail alone without a captain or crew to assist you on the open ocean.


Leave the maintenance and hassle of upkeep and navigating to us so you can enjoy friends and family aboard your vessel. Use Onyx to hire on-demand qualified and pre-screened captains and crew members for your voyage today.